About Decades

About Decades

Decades is a choir for everyone.
There are plenty of choirs for men, women, students, or elderly people only. That's why we have a different approach. At Decades, you sing with everyone. Young and old, people that have lived in the Netherlands for years, and exchange students. Singing doesn't know any age or nationality. That's why we do it together.

We perform in places that matter. We sing in places where people don't hear a lot of music. Places like hospitals, jails and asylum seekers centers.

The Decades group mix

We want to keep Decades as mixed as possible, to make sure young and old keep singing together. Therefore, we are careful not to fill our entire choir with people in their twenties, or in their sixties. We want to keep groups (teenagers, people in their twenties, thirties, fourties, etc. - our decades) approximately the same size. As a result, you may have to wait for a bit until we can admit you to our choir, because this balance may otherwise be lost. There are currently approximately thirty choir members (It is good to know that Decades is a foundation, which means that the choir members are not strictly speaking "members" in the legal sense of the word). People of different ages are registering with us and the balance between ages is good at the moment. See the graph below for the distribution per decade. We are also well balanced in terms of voice distribution. There is always room for an enthusiastic choir member, so don't hesitate to join us!


Wieneke Groot - conductor

Wieneke Groot

Wieneke conducted at children's and youth camps for twelve years from the age of 19. Singing with a hundred people for 45 minutes in the morning and evening. Later, she and Didi de Mildt founded the student choir True Colors Unplugged in Arnhem in 2008 for student ministry. In 2005 and 2012 she followed the Kurt Thomas Course at HKU Utrecht Conservatory. An intensive course for (choir) conductors of all levels and in different genres.


Didi de Mildt - chairman

Didi de Mildt

Didi is the chairman of the Decades board.

Nicolette Piekaar

The tokens are collected by Nicolette. This allows us to pay the invoices and cover all other costs we incur to keep Decades up and running.

Nicolette Piekaar - treasurer

Mieke van Gemeren - secretary

Mieke van Gemeren

The secretary supports the board and is responsible for communication within and outside the choir.

Maarten Piederiet

Maarten takes care of the technology for Decades, such as the website, the music archive and other technical matters.

Maarten Piederiet - General board member

Wieneke Groot - conductor

Wieneke Groot

Wieneke is present as a conductor at the meetings of the board.